

發布于:2020-10-13 13:56:36  來源:http://m.kadai88.com

酒是陳的香,白酒的陳香只有通過長時間儲存才能獲得,且在不同儲酒容器中獲得的陳香風味相差很大。傳統儲酒容器陶壇 的壇壁存在著許許多多大小不一的孔隙,白酒可以通過這些孔隙進行呼吸,產生醛、酸等多種芳香化合物,加速催陳、老熟 ,從而具有良好的陳釀風味。而目前白酒行業儲酒普遍使用的不銹鋼大罐由于分子間排列緊密,無透氣性, 內盛酒液幾乎沒 有呼吸作用,儲存的白酒普遍陳釀老熟慢。
Wine is the fragrance of the old, and the aging flavor of liquor can only be obtained by long-term storage, and the flavor of Chen Xiang obtained in different wine containers is quite different. There are many pores of different sizes in the wall of traditional wine storage container pottery jar. Liquor can breathe through these pores to produce aldehyde, acid and other aromatic compounds, accelerate aging and aging, so as to have good aging flavor. However, due to the tight arrangement of molecules and lack of air permeability, the stainless steel tanks commonly used in liquor storage industry have almost no respiration effect, and the stored liquor is generally aged and slow.
針對不銹鋼大罐儲酒缺乏陳香的問題,結合陶壇貯存白酒的優點,曲阜市仁泰容器包裝有限公司在發明了大罐內置陶管 技術后目前又推出全新的產品——內置陶管不銹鋼小酒罐,開創行業先河,開啟白酒酒庫儲存新時代。
In view of the lack of aging flavor in large stainless steel tanks, and combined with the advantages of pottery jar for liquor storage, Qufu rentai container packaging Co., Ltd. has invented the technology of large jar with built-in ceramic tube, and now it has launched a new product, stainless steel small wine tank with built-in ceramic tube, which has created a precedent in the industry and opened a new era of liquor storage in the storehouse.
白酒儲酒罐具有抵抗大氣氧化的能力---即不銹性,同時也具有在含酸、堿、鹽等介質中耐腐蝕的能力---即耐蝕性。廣泛用 于化工醫藥、石油染料華纖、食品、等工業中貯存各種腐性介質溶液。本類設備可按照廠家要求進行定制生產,可按照用戶 要求,采用各種型號的不銹鋼進行制造,無特殊要求全部采用304不銹鋼材料制作。特大型的貯存罐,我單位可派工人到企業 現場加工,可為終用戶減少產品的運輸費用。
Liquor storage tank has the ability to resist atmospheric oxidation, namely, rust resistance, and corrosion resistance in the medium containing acid, alkali and salt. It is widely used in chemical medicine, petroleum dyestuff, food and other industries to store all kinds of corrosive medium solution. This kind of equipment can be customized according to the manufacturer's requirements. It can be made of various types of stainless steel according to the user's requirements. Without special requirements, all the equipment are made of 304 stainless steel. Our company can send workers to the enterprise site to process the extra large storage tank, which can reduce the transportation cost for the end users.
Advantages of stainless steel liquor tank
1.永不生銹,選用進口食品級0Cr18Ni9、1Cr18Ni9Ti、00Cr17Ni、14Mo2不銹鋼,不銹鋼板材特有的優良耐蝕性,可性防 銹;
1. Never rust. Select imported food grade 0Cr18Ni9, 1Cr18Ni9Ti, 00Cr17Ni, 14Mo2 stainless steel, with excellent corrosion resistance and rust resistance;
2. Never leak, unique structure design, all welded field combination, super excellent strength, no water leakage and loose sealing;
3.結構科學,獨特的板形設計和沖壓加工,科學的內部支撐構件和高強度不銹鋼材料,使儲罐整體具有出類拔萃的力學強度 和流暢的外型;
3. Scientific structure, unique plate shape design and stamping processing, scientific internal support components and high-strength stainless steel materials make the tank have outstanding mechanical strength and smooth appearance;
Standard configuration of liquor outlet tank equipment
1. The 400mm diameter quick opening standard manhole has better sealing effect and more convenient operation.
2、標準呼吸器,可避免由于抽送液體時忘記打開上人孔蓋,而導致將罐吸癟的現象發生。同時,可避免由于溫差的變化對罐 體應力的影響。
2. The standard respirator can avoid the phenomenon that the tank will be shrunken due to forgetting to open the manhole cover when pumping liquid. At the same time, the influence of temperature difference on tank stress can be avoided.
3. The standard double discharge port is set. The material is discharged from the standard outlet at ordinary times and from the bottom valve outlet when the tank body is cleaned.
4. Equipped with sediment collecting bottom, it can effectively solve the problem that the precipitate is mixed with clean liquid due to long storage time.
